
Editorial Mission:

Emerging Manager Monthly is the first and only independent monthly newsletter focused on the emerging manager space. Covering boutique and women- and minority-owned firms — and the consultants, managers-of-managers, defined benefit plans and others who make up the aggregate of this vibrant slice of the asset management universe — EMM provides ‘can’t miss’ content each month on relevant industry news, new firm and fund launches, people and firm profiles, trends, manager searches, and advice and tips on issues facing emerging manager firms.

Emerging Manager Monthly enables readers to remain informed and up-to-date on the happenings in the asset management industry while providing content that focuses on their unique information needs. The result is a publication that not only informs, but enables.


It is distributed each month to an audience of over 7,000 subscribers, including asset managers, consultants, public pension plans, foundations, endowments, corporate pension plan administrators and service providers. EMM’s subscription includes firm-wide distribution, ensuring your message reaches all levels of the organization — from the decision makers to the end-users.



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