The $68.2 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System is looking to add private markets investments to its $2.4 billion Terra Maria (TM) emerging manager program.
This month’s news comes from the New York City Retirement Systems’ Bureau of Asset Management, the $23 billion Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System and the $33 billion Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension System and Taurus Private Markets.
By Sam Carralejo, Compliance Manager, SEC Compliance Solutions
By Bruce Frumerman, ceo of Frumerman & Nemeth Inc.
The $3.7 billion Dallas Employees’ Retirement Fund approved a rebalancing within its global equity portfolio that saw a Next Generation manager’s mandate cut in half at its Sept. 9 board meeting.
The $79.9 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association was notified of a manager termination at its Sept. 11 board of investments meeting.
Steve Voss joined Meketa Investment Group as a shareholder, managing principal and consultant.
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation named Managing Director of Investments William Maslovsky as its cio to succeed Elizabeth Hewitt.
Shelly Heier, president of investment consultant Verus, departed the firm on Sept. 30
Francis Griffin has joined Callan as senior private credit research consultant in its alternatives consulting group.
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