Wealth Management Firms Continue Dealmaking

Merger and acquisition activity within the wealth management space continued to accelerate in October as two institutional firms were snapped up.

Editor's Note
Editor's Note

I always wonder what the value of a keynote speaker is at an industry conference. I have not heard one person ever say the keynote speaker is why they signed up for a conference. In fact, most of the time the keynote speaker is not even announced until reg­istration is closed or near closing.

Witnessing The CHANGE: First-Hand Experiences, Local Expertise Guide Emerging Markets Equity Manager
Witnessing The CHANGE: First-Hand Experiences, Local Expertise Guide Emerging Markets Equity Manager

The emerging markets are in Thea Jamison’s blood. Born and raised in Eastern Europe behind the Ber­lin Wall, she has a first-hand under­standing of how the capital markets can transform a country and region.

Industry Success Stories Offer Advice, Insights To Attendees
Conference Coverage
Industry Success Stories Offer Advice, Insights To Attendees

Including stories from Thoma Bravo Co-Founder Orlando Bravo and José E. Feliciano, co-founder of one of the most successful Hispan­ic-owned private equity firms, Clearlake Capital.

Conference Coverage
NAA Long-Term Goals Aim To Significantly Grow Assets, Jobs

The New America Alliance is aiming to boost the assets managed by Lati­no-owned invest­ment management firms to 4% by 2040.

Conference Coverage
Funds-Of-Funds Help Allocators Overcome The Numbers Game

The private markets is a numbers game in more ways than one and, for many institutions, funds-of-funds can provide the resources necessary to research and diligence funds, construct portfolios and monitor performance and relationships, according to panelists in the “Fund-of-Funds: Amplifying Diversification in Investment Port­folios” panel.

Asian American-Owned Firms Lack Inclusion In Emerging Manager Programs, AAAIM Research Shows
Asian American-Owned Firms Lack Inclusion In Emerging Manager Programs, AAAIM Research Shows

The Association of Asian American Investment Managers is looking to tackle the issue of per­ception versus reality with new research as it heads into its annual conference next week.

Editor's Note
Editor's Note
Editor's Note

When that mid-afternoon fatigue sets in, sometimes you just need a jolt of energy. Much like a cup of coffee or an energy drink can do the trick when 2:30 p.m. rolls around, the uptick in industry events as the third quarter rolls on through can be a boost the system needs after nine months of hard work.

Newsome Shifting To The Allocator Side In Stride

Lorenzo Newsome Jr. has developed a lot of skills that he believes will help him excel in his first role on the allocator side of the table.

Home On The Range: An Institutional Approach To Ranchland

Todd Graham has a lifetime of dirt on his boots and is ready to bring his ranchland operational expertise to institutional in­vestors.
