Conference Coverage
Diverse Manager Sourcing Remains A Challenge For Institutions: Panel

Involving diverse investment firms in manager searches largely comes down to sourcing and intentionality, according to a public markets pan­el at the CalPERS/CalSTRS Catalyst conference held on June 26-28 in San Francisco.

Editor's Note
Editor's Note

Sometimes the news is that there is no news.

Integrated Quantitative Investments Receives Institutional Funding
Integrated Quantitative Investments Receives Institutional Funding

Integrated Quantitative Investments has garnered its first institutional cli­ent as it celebrates three years since launching.

Editor's Note
Editor's Note
Editor's Note

It is difficult for meaningful change to happen over­night. Most change takes years, if not decades, to truly gain footing and establish roots.

Return To Office: KPG Sees Opportunity In NYC Market

The headlines for the past few years have painted a bleak outlook for office and retail real estate – particularly in New York City where COVID-19 left many companies and their employees in a multi-year work from home situation.

Conference Coverage
Panels Point To Progress But Need For More: Consortium

The 20th anniversary of Consortium took a look back at the progress made around emerging and diverse managers over the past two decades but event panels also reiterated the work left to do. 

Investment Consultant Diversity Remains Stagnant: DAMI Study
Investment Consultant Diversity Remains Stagnant: DAMI Study

Diversity among investment consulting firms in aggregate has remained stag­nant over the past five years, the new­est Diverse Asset Managers Initiative Investment Consultant Survey shows.

Renae Griffin Reflects On 20 Years Of Consortium
Conference Coverage
Renae Griffin Reflects On 20 Years Of Consortium

Insights From Consortium’s Founder

Industry News
Industry Veterans Reflect On Consortium

Views from institutional investors.

Industry News
Editor's Note: Thank You Renae

I have managers ask me about conferences to attend all the time. Whenever making any recommendations I always insert the disclaimer that much like investment returns, past performance is not indicative of future returns. That’s never been a concern with Consortium.
