Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

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Allianz Global CEO To Retire
Joachim Faber, ceo of Allianz Global Investors, will retire at the end of the year, confirmed
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J.P. Morgan Launches New
J.P. Morgan Asset Management announced the creation of a new U.S. opportunistic real estate
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BlackRock Adds Everett To Grow
Nancy Everett, former ceo of Promark Global Advisors, has been named managing director and head of
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El Paso Pension Goes With Callan
The $490 million El Paso (Texas) City Employees Retirement System hired Callan Associates in
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Washtenaw Hires New Consultant
The $182 million Washtenaw County (Mich.) Employees Retirement System has hired The Holycross Group
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EAI Hires Senior Consultant
Evaluation Associates has hired John Smith as a senior consultant, the firm announced. He started
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Mobile Sticks With Gray
The $88 million City of Mobile (Ala.) Police & Firefighters Retirement Plan decided to retain
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Chicago Teachers Hires Callan
The $9.6 billion Public School Teachers’ Pension & Retirement Fund of Chicago hired Callan
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SURS Hires New Consultant
The $12.2 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois has hired Callan Associates as
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Ventura County Retirement
Tim Thonis resigned yesterday as retirement administrator of the Ventura County (Calif.) Employees