Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

Industry News People
SEC Charges Former NY Common Fund CIO, Top Political Advisor
A former New York deputy comptroller and a top political advisor have been charged with allegedly
Industry News People
General Motors Asset Management Changes Name
General Motors Asset Management has changed its name to Promark Global Advisors, a move designed to
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Hedge Fund Firm Changes Name
Harris Alternatives has changed its name to Aurora Investment Management. The hedge fund-of-funds
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CalSTRS Alts. Head Retires
Real Desrochers has retired as head of alternative investments for the California State Teachers
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Colorado Hires Deputy CIO
David Bomberger who resigned last month as state investment officer of the Nebraska State
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Washington Names Interim Executive Director
Theresa Whitmarsh has been named acting executive director of the $67.6 billion Washington State
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Kansas Names Public Equity Investment Officer
Brian King has been named public equity investment officer at the Kansas Public Employees
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Arizona Hires General, 4 Project-Based Consultants
The $19 billion Arizona State Retirement System hired NEPC as its new general investment consultant
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DeMarche Associates Senior DeMarche Associates Senior
Steve Ferrell, senior consultant at DeMarche Associates, left the firm at the end of 2008,
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Axelson Joins Prudential’s Strategic Solutions Group
Prudential Financial announced that former Callan Associates consultant Clifford Axelson has joined