Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

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Institutional Investors Hurt By Westridge Scandal
At least eight institutional investors have been impacted by the scandal surrounding Westridge
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SSgA Names Global Sales & Marketing Head
James “Jamie” Kase has been named executive v.p. and head of global sales and marketing at State
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Fairfield Files Suit Against NEPC
The Town of Fairfield (Conn.) filed a lawsuit last month against its former investment consultant
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Research Affiliates Names CIO
Jason Hsu has been named cio of Research Affiliates, the firm announced. Hsu, previously managing
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Leggett Resigns From Louisiana
Robert Leggett, cio of the $11 billion Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana, has resigned,
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NH Makes Executive Director Hire
The $5.5 billion New Hampshire Retirement System has hired Dick Ingram as its new executive
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Atlanta Hires Plan Administrator
The Atlanta Pension Funds has named Angela Sneed as its new pension administrator and cio. She
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CalPERS Selects Washington Executive Director As CIO
Joseph Dear, executive director of the Washington State Investment Board, has been named cio of the
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CalPERS Adds Corporate Governance Portfolio Manager
Anne Simpson has been named senior portfolio manager for corporate governance at the California
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Former NM CIO Alleges State Pay-to Play Practices
Frank Foy, former cio of the New Mexico Educational Retirement Board, has filed a lawsuit in state