Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

Industry News
Pension Plan CIO Joins Health System

A Western health system has hired a cio from a New England pension plan.

Industry News
State University Hires CIO

A state university has hired a new cio.

Industry News
Calif. County Names Exec. Director

A California pension plan hired a new executive director.

Industry News
Marquette Adds Consultant

Marquette has added an investment consultant previously on an endowment investment staff.

Industry News
Phoenix Names Permanent Admin.

The City of Phoenix Employees Retirement System has named a permanent retirement plan administrator.

Industry News
Ohio State Hires Next CIO

The Buckeyes have tapped a new cio to begin this month.

Industry News
Kern County Adds Investment Officer

The California pension fund hired a new retirement investment officer last month.

Industry News
Tufts University CIO Dies Of Cancer

Tufts University CIO Sally Dungan died of cancer on April 12.

Industry News
Callan Snags IMRF Analyst

The consulting firm added a new member to its private equity consulting group last month.

Industry News
SDCERA Taps CIO As Interim CEO
The $11.9 billion San Diego County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has named CIO Stephen