Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

Industry News People
Minn. Foundation Lands New CIO
The $1.5 billion Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundations have hired Shannon O’Leary as cio, effective
Industry News People
Meketa Expands Ownership
Investment consulting firm Meketa Investment Group has expanded its employee ownership with 13 new
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EMM SEARCH ALERT: New York Area Trust Seeking Minority/Women-Owned Investment Managers
A New York-based Trust has begun a search for minority and women-owned investment
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EMM SEARCH ALERT: Illinois Plan Begins Core-Plus Bond Search
A $1.3 billion pension fund in Illinois has issued its RFP for minority-, women- and disabled-owned
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Graystone Consultant Dies
Graystone Consulting Institutional Consulting Director Tim Sharpe died in a plane crash on April
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Oberlin Names New CIO
Oberlin College has hired Jun Yang as its cio, effective April 22, Spokesman Scott Wargo confirmed,
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Silvercrest To Acquire Cortina
Silvercrest Asset Management will acquire “substantially all” of Cortina Asset Management’s $1.7
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Nicholas Hires Biz Development Head
Brian Pringle joined Nicholas Investment Partners as director of business development this month,
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Albourne Snags Former Conn. CIO
Sean Crawford joined alternative consulting firm Albourne Partners in April, according to his
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San Joaquin County CIO Retires
Nancy Calkins retired as cio of the $2.8 billion San Joaquin County (Calif.) Employees Retirement