Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

Industry News People
Emory University Hires New CIO
Emory University has hired Srinivas Pulavarti, most recently president and cio at UCLA Investment
Industry News People
Outsourced CIO Hirtle Callaghan Hires CIO
Mark Hamilton joined outsourced cio Hirtle, Callaghan & Co. as cio on April 2, the firm
Industry News People
Callan Hires Consultant; To Open Portland Office
Investment consultant Callan has hired Ryan Cunningham to join its fund sponsor consulting group,
Industry News People
Kern County Hires CIO From San Jose Investment Staff
The $4.3 billion Kern County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has appointed Daryn Miller
Industry News People
U.S. Reps Pen Letter To Increase Endowment Use Of Diverse Mgrs.
Higher education institutions looking for federal subsidies—”including fully-reinstating their
Industry News People
San Antonio F&P CIO Resigns
Matthew O’Reilly has resigned as cio of the $3.1 billion San Antonio Fire & Police Pension Fund,
Industry News People
Georgia Foundation Names First CIO
Jason Bull will join the $1.2 billion University of Georgia Foundation as cio on April 9, he
Industry News People
Okla. Police Terminates Exec. Director
The $2.5 billion Oklahoma Police Pension & Retirement System terminated Executive Director and CIO
Industry News People
Carlton College Hires CIO
Kelsey Deshler has been named the new cio of Carleton College, according to an
Industry News People
ILPA Hires Former Cambridge Exec.
Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) has hired former Cambridge Associates COO Steven