Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

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Strategic Investment Solutions CEO Joins Cliffwater
Pete Keliuotis, ceo of Strategic Investment Solutions, left the firm on June 30, confirmed Barry
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Towers Watson Promotes Two Global CIOs
Towers Watson has appointed two global cios, Spokeswoman Binoli Savani confirmed, in an e-mail.
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Investment Duo Launches Advisory Firm Nu Paradigm
Chris DeMeo and Russell O’Brien have launched Nu Paradigm Investment Partners, which intends to
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NEPC Names Principal
Sean Ruhmann has been promoted to principal and director of real assets research at NEPC, Director
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Santa Barbara County Names Interim CEO
The $2.4 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System has appointed Greg Levin
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Contra Costa County Hires CEO
Gail Strohl, retirement program administrator for the Phoenix City Employees Retirement System, has
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St. Paul Names New E.D.
The $1 billion St. Paul Teachers’ Retirement Fund Association announced the hiring of Jill Schurtz
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FEG Hires Quantitative Analysis Director
Mark Koenig has joined Fund Evaluation Group as director of quantitative analysis, the firm
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RBC Hires PMs For Impact Investing Team
RBC Global Asset Management has added two members to its impact investing team, Spokesman Matt
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Curian Capital Names CIO
Curian Capital has named Walt Czaicki as cio and senior v.p. in the asset management group,