Search leads and updates from the emerging manager space.
The $342 million Chicago Park Employees Annuity & Benefit Fund has issued a pair of diverse fixed-income manager RFPs.
The $89.3 billion New Jersey Division of Investment expanded its emerging manager program to real estate investments with a new hire.
The Pittsburgh Foundation is looking to add more diverse-owned managers and impact investment strategies.
The Québec Emerging Managers Program has received an additional investment.
The $242.3 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund made a new emerging manager commitment in February.
The Marguerite Casey Foundation is looking to add new diverse managers to its approximately $8.25 million portfolio.
The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church is exploring creating an emerging manager program.
The $446.1 billion California Public Employees’ Retirement System has eliminated its global equity emerging manager allocation with Legato Capital Management
The $900 million Firemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund of Chicago reviewed a domestic small- to mid-cap value equity search report last month.
The $242.3 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund disclosed an emerging manager program commitment made in January.
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