News from the Emerging Manager space.
Emerging Manager Monthly and Emerge Capital Management held a webinar, EMPWR-ing Women Portfolio Managers, on June 9.
The MIT Investment Management Company will hold a webinar focusing on operational, legal and set-up topics for emerging managers.
The $63 billion Maryland State Retirement & Pension System has issued an RFI seeking specialty consulting services.
Investment consulting firm Meketa Investment Group hosted an inaugural Day of Understanding on April 22 and April 26.
The $84.5 billion Minnesota State Board of Investment is assembling a task force to address issues surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion within its investment program.
African American-owned hedge fund-of-funds Blueprint Capital Advisors is claiming that documents turned over by the New Jersey State Treasury and Division of Investment were “so heavily redacted, they could not be read,” as the firm’s lawsuit against the state for racial bias and alleged stealing of proprietary information continues.
Firms with diversity and inclusion efforts are three times as likely as their peers to be included in consultant-led searches, according to a new study.
DOMO Capital Management rode the value surge in the first quarter of 2021 to the top spot in the EMM quarterly performance rankings.
Investment consulting firm NEPC improved its hiring of diverse talent, elevation of diverse partners and interaction with diverse investment firms in 2020, according to its first annual diversity, equity and inclusion progress report.
The webinar will provide insight and perspective on trends and communication in a post-virtual environment, specifically for the diverse and emerging manager community, according to the firm.
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