
News from the Emerging Manager space.

Emerging Managers Can Fill Void In High-Yield Bond Space

The high-yield fixed-income space could use more emerging managers offering strategies, according to a panel of industry investment consultants at the New Jersey Division of In­vestments’ Emerging Managers Symposium held virtually on June 26.

NEPC Boosts Client Assets, Strategies With Diverse Firms

Investment consultant NEPC saw an in­crease to both client assets with diverse firms as well as client strategies managed by diverse firms in 2023, according to its fourth annual DEI Progress Report re­leased last month.

Hires, Promotions Favor Non-Diverse Staff: Meketa
Hires, Promotions Favor Non-Diverse Staff: Meketa

The majority of new hires and promotions at public and private markets managers in 2023 continued to be with non-racially di­verse people, according to results from Meketa Investment Group’s latest diversity, equity and inclusion questionnaire.

News Briefs
News Briefs

This month we have news from a recent podcast with Moelis Asset Catalyst V.P. Dan Pogue as well as a new emerging manager program to seed asset managers in Japan from Nomura Holdings.

Diverse Asset Manager Investing Plateauing: FEG Survey

Interest in investing with diverse managers has begun to plateau, according to FEG In­vestment Advisors’ 2024 Community Foun­dation Survey.

News Briefs

This month’s news briefs include a new study from Northern Trust Company and a people move at Ranchland Capital Partners.

Former Attucks President Launches Middle Market Firm
Former Attucks President Launches Middle Market Firm

Winston Blake, formerly president of emerging manag­er-of-managers Attucks Asset Management, has founded a new firm.

Timing, Understanding Audience Paramount For Mgrs.: Webinar
Timing, Understanding Audience Paramount For Mgrs.: Webinar

Putting in the leg work to understand the audience can reduce the amount of time that emerging managers spend on outreach to allocators that are unlikely to make an investment, according to panelists in a recent webinar.

Investment Consultant Diversity Data 'Concerning': DAMI

The racial makeup of senior management at investment consulting firms dropped by almost 10%, an “alarming change” in a seg­ment of the market that has an outsized impact on what asset managers are cho­sen by institutional allocators, the newest report from the Diverse Asset Managers Initiative found.

LA Fire & Police CIO Reflects On First Year Leading Pension Plan

Bryan Fujita joined Los Angeles Fire & Police Pensions in July of last year after over 12 years at the Los Angeles City Employees’ Re­tirement System. LAFPP manages $31.4 billion as of March 31, 2024.
