Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.
Diverse-owned private equity firms outperformed the benchmark internal rate of return by nearly two to one, according to a study released by the National Association of Investment Companies.
While the concept of supporting veterans is nothing new, its pervasiveness within the institutional investment space and the recognition of veteran-owned firms within the emerging manager community remains to be seen.
Starting an investment management firm and succeeding in growing it requires more than just a love of investing, according to ACM Capital Management Founder and Portfolio Manager Rom Wilson.
The $145.9 billion New York State Teachers Retirement System will host its 12th annual minority- and women-owned business enterprises (MWBE) conference in February.
Through its award winning monthly newsletter and resource-centric web site, Emerging Manager Monthly delivers all the industry news and intelligence emerging managers and institutional investors need to stay informed and ahead of the curve on this exciting sector of the asset management industry.