
Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.

Industry News
Howard Hughes Names Next CIO
Howard Hughes Medical Institute named Managing Director of Research and Portfolio Strategy Donald
Industry News
North Dakota CIO Steps Down
David Hunter, executive director and cio of the $7 billion North Dakota State Investment Board,
Industry News
Texas ERS Snags CIO From Austin Plan
David Veal will rejoin the $32 billion Employees Retirement System of Texas as its new cio this
Industry News
Illinois Teachers Taps CIO As Executive Dir.
The Teachers’ Retirement System of Illinois appointed CIO Stan Rupnik as its permanent executive
Industry News
PennSERS CIO Resigns, Joins Missouri Plan
Seth Kelly has joined the $2.5 billion Missouri Department of Transportation & Patrol Employees
Private Equity
LACERA Issues Emerging Global Equity Mgr. RFP

The roughly $69.6 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has issued its global equity emerging manager RFP.

EMM Search Alert
Midwest Plan Seeking Emerging Real Estate Managers

The plan is searching for up to two private debt and equity real estate strategies.

Industry News
Arlington County Taps First Female CIO

The $3 billion Arlington County (Va.) Employees Retirement System has appointed Susie Ardeshir as executive director and cio, effective July 6, the plan announced.

Industry News
Pitt CIO Departing

University of Pittsburgh CIO Greg Schuler is stepping down at the end of June to “pursue other opportunities,” according to an announcement.

Industry News
Tulane Promotes MD To CIO

Tulane University appointed Richard Chau as its new permanent cio on May 11.
