
Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.

Blueprint Lawsuit Proceeds As New Jersey CIO Resigns

African American-owned hedge fund-of-funds Blueprint Capital Advisors is claiming that documents turned over by the New Jersey State Treasury and Division of Investment were “so heavily redacted, they could not be read,” as the firm’s lawsuit against the state for racial bias and alleged stealing of proprietary information continues.

D&I Efforts Favor Managers In Consultant-Led Searches: Study

Firms with diversity and inclusion efforts are three times as likely as their peers to be included in consultant-led searches, according to a new study.

Industry News
Illinois SURS To Hold Third Annual Diverse Manager Week

The $22.5 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois will hold its Diverse Manager Week in August.

EMM Search Alert
Midwest Plan To Begin Emerging Real Estate Manager Search

The plan will seek multiple non-core emerging real estate managers.

MassPRIM Targets 20% To Diverse Managers In New Initiative

The $90.1 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board has established a new diverse manager initiative at its May 4 board meeting.

Q&A With Connecticut Health Foundation

CEO Tiffany Donelson and Board Chair Kenneth R. Alleyne took time to participate in a Q&A on the Hartford-based organization’s diversity efforts within its $125 million investment portfolio.

Quarterly Report: DOMO Capitalizes On Strongest Quarter For Value Vs. Growth In 20 Years

DOMO Capital Management rode the value surge in the first quarter of 2021 to the top spot in the EMM quarterly performance rankings.

Editor's Note
Editor's Note

Clichés become clichés for a reason. They are overused and typically lose their meaning. However, they are sometimes still the best way to emphasize the most basic issues facing the emerging and diverse manager space.

NEPC Sees Diversity Growth Following Policy Adoption

Investment consulting firm NEPC improved its hiring of diverse talent, elevation of diverse partners and interaction with diverse investment firms in 2020, according to its first annual diversity, equity and inclusion progress report.

Callan Hosting Diverse & Emerging Manager Webinar

The webinar will provide insight and perspective on trends and communication in a post-virtual environment, specifically for the diverse and emerging manager community, according to the firm.
