Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.
The GCM Grosvenor Small and Emerging Managers Conference’s mission is to raise the visibility of small, emerging, and diverse investment managers while providing institutional investors access to these managers.
The National Association of Securities Professionals will host its 31st Annual Pension & Financial Services Conference in Chicago.
The Association of Investment Management Sales Executives will hold its 43rd Annual Marketing & Sales conference in Boca Raton, Fla.
The Quest for Alpha: What Strategies Will Outperform in the Next 24 Months?
There are currently 25 women and/or minority executives at the top 100 U.S. defined benefit pension plans, versus 38 at the top 100 U.S. nonprofits, up from 23 and 36, respectively, in 2019, according to data compiled by Emerging Manager Monthly.
Jacob Walthour, ceo and co-founder of African American-owned hedge fund-of-funds Blueprint Capital Advisors discusses the recent lawsuit he filed against the New Jersey State Treasury for racial bias.
The State Universities Retirement System of Illinois will host its second annual diverse manager week initiative beginning on Aug. 3.
CM Grosvenor’s Consortium 2020 went virtual this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Below is select coverage
from the event.
Through its award winning monthly newsletter and resource-centric web site, Emerging Manager Monthly delivers all the industry news and intelligence emerging managers and institutional investors need to stay informed and ahead of the curve on this exciting sector of the asset management industry.