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A new development and training program for venture capital and private equity firms has been launched by Left Tackle Capital.
A California pension fund will invest a total of $150 million with three domestic small-cap equity emerging managers.
A California foundation says 25% of its new manager hires in 2019 were diverse firms.
An Illinois pension fund approved a pair of direct emerging manager fixed-income investments last week.
The Missouri State Employees Retirement System stayed in-house for its new cio.
A Baltimore-based university will invest at least $75 million with a local minority-owned manager this fiscal year.
A Midwest pension plan has hired a global equity emerging manager-of-managers.
The Public Employees’ Retirement System of Mississippi has hired a cio to replace Lorrie Tingle.
A managing director at the Kresge Foundation is departing.
The $1.5 billion plan will look to bring on a full-time cio when it reaches $2 billion in assets under management.
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