Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.
A Northeastern state plan expects to issue its RFP for emerging managers-of-managers next week.
Several investment consultants and a state pension fund are taking precautions for their upcoming emerging manager events due to ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19.
FIS Group CEO & CIO Tina Byles Williams urges academics to conduct research and allocators to track employment and contract activity in ways that do not always subsume women of color into either “minority” or “women” classifications.
New research shows charitable foundations are outperforming the industry in representation of diverse-owned investment managers.
Ariel Investments Co-CEO and President Mellody Hobson wants the investment industry to hold itself accountable for diversity outcomes in the same way it holds itself accountable around performance numbers, according to a webinar hosted by investment consultant NEPC.
Steve Rubenstein, founder of third party marketing firm Arrow Partners, discusses the impact the consolidation of the investment consultant space has had on emerging managers.
Matthew McCue and Zack Cziryak headed down to Austin, Texas for the 2020 Texas Emerging Manager Conference hosted by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the Employees Retirement System of Texas on Feb. 26.
Callan Connects will hold its next event later this month.
Matthew McCue and Zack Cziryak headed down to Austin, Texas for the 2020 Texas Emerging Manager Conference hosted by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the Employees Retirement System of Texas on Feb. 26.
Through its award winning monthly newsletter and resource-centric web site, Emerging Manager Monthly delivers all the industry news and intelligence emerging managers and institutional investors need to stay informed and ahead of the curve on this exciting sector of the asset management industry.