
Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.

Buoyant Ventures Tackles Climate Change With Digital Solutions

Aiming to be a top decile performer in climate tech, early-stage and women-owned manager Buoyant Ventures focuses on investing in dig­ital solutions that can be deployed to address the urgency of climate change.

Discipline, Consistency Leads Next Century Through The Years

Growth equity investment manager Next Century Growth Investors is continuing to put in the work after nearly a quarter cen­tury of existence.

News Briefs
News Briefs

This month’s news briefs include updates from Palisade Capital Management, Brown Capital Management and a new mutual fund launch.

NY Common Increases MWBE Manager Exposure
NY Common Increases MWBE Manager Exposure

The $248.5 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund’s mi­nority- and women-owned asset exposure increased by 2% year-over-year for the period ending March 31, according to its annual MWBE Strategy Report.

MITIMCO Named ‘Best Emerging Manager Program’: Survey

The approximately $25 billion Massachusetts Institute of Technology Investment Manage­ment Company has been named as having the “Best Emerging Manager Program” based on a survey of global fintech platform Clade’s insti­tutional clients.

GCM Grosvenor, TPG NEXT Create Guides For Launching Funds

GCM Grosvenor and TPG NEXT have created guides for emerging managers in partnership with the California Public Employees’ Retire­ment System.

Diverse Manager Sourcing Remains A Challenge For Institutions: Panel
Conference Coverage
Diverse Manager Sourcing Remains A Challenge For Institutions: Panel

Involving diverse investment firms in manager searches largely comes down to sourcing and intentionality, according to a public markets pan­el at the CalPERS/CalSTRS Catalyst conference held on June 26-28 in San Francisco.

ESG, DEI-Focused Investors Maintain Convictions Amid Backlash: Panel
ESG, DEI-Focused Investors Maintain Convictions Amid Backlash: Panel

As anti-ESG and anti-DEI sentiment grows in the U.S., investors hold onto their convictions making investments in the space and committing to diverse managers, according to panelists at the Na­tional Association of Securities Professionals’ annual financial ser­vices conference held in Philadelphia on July 24-26.

Conference Coverage
Industry Trade Orgs Push For Action In Manager Diversity: Panel

Trade associations in the diverse manager space discussed the disappointing state of the industry and what can be done to grow those numbers at the National Association of Securities Profession­als’ annual financial services conference held in Philadelphia on July 24-26.

Opportunities In Short-Term Credit & Asset Based Lending

A Conversation With Old City Investment Partners Head Of Investments Jason Plawner
