Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.
“I hope my example encourages people to be authentic, but don’t forget to do your job well. I happen to believe, for me, that being authentic allows me to do my job incredibly well,” Ohmer tells EMM.
While growing up in New Haven, newly-elected Connecticut State Treasurer Erick Russell didn’t really see himself reflected in his community or government.
From it’s beginnings 20 years ago as a startup conference run by Renae Griffin to today’s version under GCM Grosvenor, Consortium has brought over 6,500 attendees together to further the emerging and diverse asset manager community.
I have managers ask me about conferences to attend all the time. Whenever making any recommendations I always insert the disclaimer that much like investment returns, past performance is not indicative of future returns. That’s never been a concern with Consortium.
The $342 million Chicago Park Employees Annuity & Benefit Fund has issued a pair of diverse fixed-income manager RFPs.
The $85.4 billion New Jersey Division of Investments has hired a new private equity director.
The $89.3 billion New Jersey Division of Investment expanded its emerging manager program to real estate investments with a new hire.
Through its award winning monthly newsletter and resource-centric web site, Emerging Manager Monthly delivers all the industry news and intelligence emerging managers and institutional investors need to stay informed and ahead of the curve on this exciting sector of the asset management industry.