Conference Coverage

Conference Coverage
Affinity Groups Applaud Emerging Managers Week Expanding Access For Emerging & Diverse Managers

The inaugural Emerging Man­agers Week recently held in New York is a prime example of expanding access for emerging and diverse managers seeking capital, according to a pan­el of diverse manager affinity groups at the New York State Insurance Fund’s 15th annual MWBE Investment Symposium held on Feb. 11.

Conference Coverage
MoMs Discuss Attributes For Successful Emerging Mgrs.

There are certain attributes and characteristics that are common to successful asset management firms, according to a panel of emerging managers-of-managers at the Office of the New York City Comptroller’s annual Diverse & Emerging Managers Conference held on Feb. 12.

Emerging Mgr. Space Evolves Through Adoption, Data
Conference Coverage
Emerging Mgr. Space Evolves Through Adoption, Data

The emerging and diverse manager space has evolved over the years as witnessed by pioneers of the industry that have seen and experienced firsthand the changes being made, who shared their thoughts at the New York State Insurance Fund’s 15th annual MWBE Investment Sym­posium held on Feb. 11.

‘Nailing The Narrative’ Vital To Meetings, Messaging
Conference Coverage
‘Nailing The Narrative’ Vital To Meetings, Messaging

Emerging and diverse managers must “nail the narrative” to consistently deliver communications to existing and potential clients, experts from public relations firm Prosek Partners told attendees of the New York City Retirement Systems’ Annual Di­verse & Emerging Managers Conference.

Conference Coverage
Institutions Stand Up For Emerging & Diverse Manager Investment Efforts

Institutional investors pushed back on anti-DEI directives labeling programs aimed at expanding opportunities for women and minorities as discriminato­ry, pointing to the investment success emerging and diverse manager pro­grams have provided to funds across the country during multiple events held during the inaugural Emerging Manag­ers Week in New York City last month.

Conference Coverage
Industry Success Stories Offer Advice, Insights To Attendees

Including stories from Thoma Bravo Co-Founder Orlando Bravo and José E. Feliciano, co-founder of one of the most successful Hispan­ic-owned private equity firms, Clearlake Capital.

NAA Long-Term Goals Aim To Significantly Grow Assets, Jobs
Conference Coverage
NAA Long-Term Goals Aim To Significantly Grow Assets, Jobs

The New America Alliance is aiming to boost the assets managed by Lati­no-owned invest­ment management firms to 4% by 2040.

Funds-Of-Funds Help Allocators Overcome The Numbers Game
Conference Coverage
Funds-Of-Funds Help Allocators Overcome The Numbers Game

The private markets is a numbers game in more ways than one and, for many institutions, funds-of-funds can provide the resources necessary to research and diligence funds, construct portfolios and monitor performance and relationships, according to panelists in the “Fund-of-Funds: Amplifying Diversification in Investment Port­folios” panel.

Conference Coverage
From Recruitment To Retention: Building Inclusive Career Paths

Asset managers and investment consultants are helping increase diverse talent and retention within their respective organizations after seeing interest from students who do not know much about the industry.

Conference Coverage
Organizations Navigating Anti-DEI Environment & Agendas

The legislative agenda against diversity, equity and inclusion as well as anti-DEI sentiments are leading organizations to grap­ple with remaining compliant while continuing to champion di­versity, according to a recent panel.
