Industry News

A roundup of stories from the institutional investment universe.

Industry News People
{One Year Ago In EMM}
THEN: The $209 billion California Public Employees Retirement System may create an emerging hedge
Industry News People
Lehigh County Rehires PFM
The $340 million Lehigh County (Penn.) Employees Retirement System has rehired PFM Advisors as its
Industry News People
Watertown Switches Consultant
The $83 million Watertown (Mass.) Retirement Board hired Segal Advisors as its new consultant,
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Virginia Plan Hires NEPC
The $1.9 billion Educational Employees’ Supplementary Retirement System of Fairfax County (Va.) has
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San Diego Hires Albourne
The $6 billion San Diego County Retirement Association has hired Albourne America as its hedge fund
Industry News People
Indiana PERF Director Resigns
David Adams, executive director of Indiana Public Employees’ Retirement Fund, has announced his
Industry News People
Colorado PERA Names Alts. Head
Tim Moore has been named director of alternative investments at the Colorado Public Employees
Industry News People
New Mexico Fund Selects CIO
The $8.4 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board has named Robert Jacksha as its new cio.
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NY State Comptroller Named; Will Oversee Pension Fund
Democratic Assemblyman Thomas DiNapoli has been selected as New York State Comptroller. DiNapoli,
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Over Half of 2006 Searches For Non-Traditional Managers: NEPC
Roughly 55% of the 400 manager searches conducted by New England Pension Consultants last year were