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Twelve foundations have committed to Ulu Ventures’ latest fund, which recently closed with more than $200 million in commitments.
The Global Fund for Women initiated an RFP process seeking a firm to provide investment management and advisory services for its approximately $47 million long-term investment pool.
The $1.6 billion Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Retirement Fund has issued an RFP for infrastructure managers.
The $23.4 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois has issued an RFP seeking convertible bond strategies.
The $55.1 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund made two investments with diverse-owned firms last month.
The $70 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System has formally included its Terra Maria Emerging Manager Program in its investment policy manual, the plan announced last month.
The $73.8 billion Teachers’ Retirement System of Illinois added a pair of emerging manager program commitments to new manager relationships
The New York City Economic Development Corporation made four awards as part of last year’s RFP for its NYC Catalyst Fund.
Wespath Institutional Investments has partnered with Xponance to launch funds that bar investments in fossil fuel companies or “certain securities associated with conflict-affected areas.”
The $13.1 billion Public School Teachers’ Pension & Retirement Fund of Chicago made three diverse private credit commitments last month.
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