Search leads and updates from the emerging manager space.
The $76.8 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association funded its separate account mandate with Leading Edge Investment Advisors for its global equity emerging manager program in May.
The $267.7 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund made two emerging manager commitments totaling $58 million in the second quarter.
The $12.5 billion Public School Teachers’ Pension & Retirement Fund of Chicago will vote on a 2024-2025 fiscal year real estate pacing plan that includes consideration of a search for new minority-, women- and disabled-owned managers.
The $12.7 billion Cook County (Ill.) Pension Fund is searching for real estate emerging managers.
The Northwest Area Foundation is looking to allocate more of its approximately $484 million endowment to diverse-owned managers and impact investments within Native American communities.
The Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation has outsourced the management of its $35 million investment portfolio to a discretionary advisor.
The $259.9 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund made an emerging manager commitment in the first quarter, according to a monthly transaction report.
The $95.1 billion New Jersey Division of Investment may expand its emerging manager program into public markets.
The $909 million Retirement Board of Allegheny County (Pa.) terminated two managers from its emerging manager program at its April 18 board meeting.
The $1.7 billion Cambridge (Mass.) Retirement System has issued an RFP seeking core real estate managers.
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