Conference Coverage
Institutional Investors Try To Align Interests, Fees: Panel

Matthew McCue and Zack Cziryak headed down to Austin, Texas for the 2020 Texas Emerging Manager Conference hosted by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the Employees Retirement System of Texas on Feb. 26.

Conference Coverage
Managers-of-Managers Must Innovate To Stay Relevant: Panel

EMM Editor Matthew McCue attended the New York State Insurance Fund MWBE Investment Symposium in New York City on Feb. 12.

Industry News
Consulting Firms Generally Opaque About Diversity: DAMI
Investment consultants are not making public their internal staff makeup and hiring practices,
Conference Coverage
LEIA, FIS Discuss Benefits Of MoMs As Sources Of Capital

EMM Reporter Lindsay Saienni attended the New York State Teachers Retirement System’s 9th Annual Emerging Manager Conference in Albany, N.Y. on Feb. 13.

Conference Coverage
Institutions Find Success In Hands-On Approach To Programs

EMM Editor Matthew McCue attended the New York State Insurance Fund MWBE Investment Symposium in New York City on Feb. 12.

NEPC Launches Investment Diversity Advisory Council

Investment consultant NEPC has launched a new forum for institutional investors to discuss ways to promote diversity in their organizations and investment decisions, according to an announcement.

EMM Search Alert
Midwest Plan Posts Emerging Manager-of-Managers RFP

A Midwestern investor has issued an RFP for emerging manager-of-managers services.

EMM News Alert
Emerging Manager-of-Managers Firm To Close

An emerging manager-of-managers firm is closing, multiple sources told EMM.

Features/Profiles News
Attucks Asset Mgmt. Acquires Capital Prospects
Attucks Asset Management’s acquisition of Capital Prospects goes well beyond a transaction that
Features/Profiles News
Clients, Managers Positive On Deal
Industry response to the Attucks Asset Management and Capital Prospects deal has been