
Hispanic Vs. Latino/Latina: Don’t Get Caught Up In Labels, Industry Executives Say

When discussing labels such as Hispanic versus Latino, Lati­na or Latinx within asset management, most find the industry should not get caught up with the terms that do not offer many notable differences.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Industry, Community Efforts Increasing Opportunity Set

Hispanic investment managers and allocators are empha­sizing the need for improving opportunities through the increased focus on diversity by institutional inves­tors as well as through efforts within the community itself.

Minority Women Meeting Obstacles In Obtaining CIO Roles
Minority Women Meeting Obstacles In Obtaining CIO Roles

This year, EMM began to track minority women in the cio role at the largest public pension plans, endowments and foundations and indus­try professionals agreed the results are “disappointing” and a “disgrace.”

Women & Minority CIO Hires At Largest Public Pensions, Nonprofits
Women & Minority CIO Hires At Largest Public Pensions, Nonprofits

The last five years have seen little to no progress for women and minorities who seek the cio role at the largest public pension and nonprofit institutions, yet industry pro­fessionals remain hopeful for more future opportunities despite the discouraging figures.

OPENING UP: The LGBTQ+ Experience In Asset Management

LGBTQ+ Individuals Face ‘Coming Out’ At Work And Find Help In Resource Groups That Create Inclusive Community

Three Court Finds Opportunity In Special Situations

Three Court’s Arthur Kavalis co-founded his firm almost direct­ly after being fired from his previous position, but the prepara­tion for that formative moment began much earlier.

Athenian Capital Takes Open Door Approach To VC
Athenian Capital Takes Open Door Approach To VC

Jason Mackey has been a founder for most of his pro­fessional life, including his first company from his dorm at Northeastern University.

Spotlight On: Adrian Ohmer, Kresge Foundation
Spotlight On: Adrian Ohmer, Kresge Foundation

“I hope my example encourages people to be authentic, but don’t forget to do your job well. I happen to believe, for me, that being authentic allows me to do my job incredibly well,” Ohmer tells EMM.

Spotlight On: Erick Russell, Connecticut State Treasurer

While growing up in New Haven, new­ly-elected Connecticut State Treasurer Erick Russell didn’t really see himself re­flected in his community or government.

Chronicling The Consortium Conference: Unveiling The Highlights Over The Years

From it’s beginnings 20 years ago as a startup conference run by Renae Griffin to today’s version under GCM Grosvenor, Consortium has brought over 6,500 attendees together to further the emerging and diverse asset manager community.
