
Up-to-date investment manager search leads, industry trends and investor profiles.

Industry Orgs. Must Put Pressure On SEC To Ensure DEI Progress

Regulators such as the Securities and Exchange Commission have stalled on diversity-related recommendations due to the amount on their plate and lack of pri­oritizing such efforts, though industry experts believe adding pressure will lead to additional change.

Maranon Capital Signs ILPA Initiative

Private credit firm Maranon Capital has become a signatory to the Institutional Limited Partners Association’s Diversity in Action initiative, the firm announced.

New Distri­bution Partnership Forms
New Distri­bution Partnership Forms

Technology platform DFD Partners and The Center of Innovation for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Finance have formed a distri­bution partnership that will allow three approved asset managers to utilize DFD services at no cost for one year.

Investment Management Institute Founder Dies
Investment Management Institute Founder Dies

Russell Mason, founder of the Investment Management Institute, died on Dec. 20 after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer, the organization announced.

Spouting Rock Acquires Stewart Asset Management

Multi-boutique manager platform Spouting Rock Asset Man­agement has acquired Stewart Asset Management, a spokes­woman confirmed, in an e-mail.

Subcommittee Explores Capital Markets’ Effects On Diverse Investors

The U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs’ Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment met on Dec. 13 to hold a hearing on “Examining How Capital Markets Serve Di­verse Entrepreneurs and Investors.”

Chicago Teachers Invests Nearly Half Of Assets With Minority Firms
Chicago Teachers Invests Nearly Half Of Assets With Minority Firms

The $11.5 billion Public School Teachers’ Pension & Retirement Fund of Chicago invested $5.5 billion, or 48% of total fund as­sets, with minority-, women- and disadvantaged-owned busi­ness enterprise firms in fiscal year 2022.

How Investment Consultants Can Be Better DEI Partners
How Investment Consultants Can Be Better DEI Partners

By Shannon O’Leary, CIO at Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

Foundations Continue To Increase Investment, Transparency Around Diverse Managers: Knight Study

Foundations continue to increase their investments with diverse-owned firms while peeling back the curtain and pro­viding greater transparency on their port­folios, according to the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Diversity of Asset Managers Research Series: Philanthropy.

Editor's Note
Editor's Note

The New Year often brings optimism for change. Resolutions both personally and professionally are made with sincerity, yet studies show that on av­erage these resolutions do not even make it a month.
